I'm not going to say that this isn't a stupid idea. Note the current scenario:
1. A blog to which I am struggling to post as frequently as I would like
2. A work schedule that, in three month segments dating back a year, looks like this: slow, manageable, busy, utter chaos
3. Entering a graduate school program while still dealing with (2) full time and (1) as a hobby.
4. All that other stuff that you need to deal with in life.
But screw it, am I right? You only live once*
Anyway, here is the plan. Every day, from here until I am done, I will compile a complete checklist of Detroit Tigers from a particular set. The goal is to end up with a full checklist of all Tigers cards ever made. This should take me about a year to complete, give or take.
The caveat is that I will not be posting these checklists every day. Rather, I will put them together in my publicly-available google-docs spreadsheets. Then, over time, I will gradually convert them into the "Gallery Checklists" that you've all come to know and love.
This is a horrible idea for all the aforementioned reasons. It's also a great idea. It provides structure, eliminates that pressing weight of trying to do this but finding the task too daunting (b/c its too big), and lets me use this blog as a commitment device. We'll just have to see if it works and I can stick to it, and I think I'll be able to, honestly. Heck, I've already finished 1950, so let's just keep this train a'rolling.
After all, it's just one checklist per day.
*note how sad it is that I am equating "living" to the compilation of baseball card checklists.