That's a big box of cards that I just got in the mail. It's full of commons. Set filler, if you will. Since I got back into collecting I've been trying to back-fill holes in my collection from the 80's forward. My Upper Deck sets, for example, were sorely lacking, and I didn't have a single card of theirs from 1995-2002 or so. I was missing Topps cards, especially Topps traded and couldn't justify tracking them on eBay or digging through box after box at a card show or spending hours on sportslots trying to find everything I needed.
There's also some more hard-to-find needs in there. Some SP's and Inserts from 2007 and 2009 Goudey. Some SP's and inserts from Topps Heritage. More set filler from more recent sets. I actually had to stop myself from going overboard and adding cards from sets that I didn't even collect.
So why, might you ask, is this a big deal?
Because this all came from one site that I just learned about via the bastion of knowledge that is the Detroit Sports Collectors Message Board. The site is called Just Commons and it is run by prolific eBayer "Mr. Mem." The site focuses on everything that I've described and has a very broad inventory. Sure, you might not be able to find the rarest cards there, but for a team collector or set builder, this is hands down the best resource that I've found. The cards are very cheap--almost all older singles are under $.15 or $.20 (many as low as $.08) each and shipping is FREE on orders over $10. The site is extremely easy to navigate, so finding cards is a breeze. I was able to pick up over 200 cards with about the same amount of effort and time that it would take me to find 10 cards on Sportlots, browsing an inventory that feels 100x larger than COMC and didn't have to worry about shipping.
You're welcome.
*This post has in no way been endorsed by "Just Commons" and I have received no compensation from any party to write this post--it is just a damn good deal that I thought you should know about if you're trying to fill holes in your collection. My haul here will most likely lead to a series of posts this week and next that highlight the sets that I was able to complete thanks to this order, so you've got that to look forward to too.