For Granderson collectors, the set is simple. Base card, code card, Gold Insert. Done and done. He's a Yankee in all three (unsurprisingly), with the Gold card being the superior one of the bunch IMO. The code card comes away the loser, despite whatever magical e-goodies it holds because seriously, why would you put a big ugly code on the front of the card? They did this last year's Attax too and in 2010 Opening Day to some degree.
For your convenience, all of Granderson's 2010 Topps Attax cards in one place. Some places (e.g. other checklists) have these cards numbered, based on an alphabetical ordering of the checklist, but to my knowledge, there are no numbers on the cards themselves.
Curtis Granderson | Curtis Granderson Code Card | Curtis Granderson Gold "Superstar" |