Wednesday, August 18, 2010
No More Cards
Things in Grand Card-dom have gotten crazy. Work is crazy. Travel is crazy. I'm heading back to school in less than two(!) weeks. There are cards EVERYWHERE. I feel like I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my neck.
So I've made a decision. I find that with my National card hangover fully gone, and the gnawing desire to pick up a bunch of new stuff getting to me, I need to lay down the draconian rules.
Until I organize and catalog all of the cards that I've gotten in the last month, I will not purchase any more cards off of eBay or otherwise. This is doubly hard, considering there's actually a bunch of stuff out there that I want, but I don't care. Things have gotten that ridiculous.
So that's the plan. I have enough cards to continue posting uninterrupted for months, so no worries there, but if I don't get this card situation under control, and fast, things are just going to snowball from here.