It has been some time since a good ol' fashioned mail day, and I've actually got a backlog from a couple. The first two come from Baseball Dad, who fortunately got these cards in the mail before the Tigers came in and swept them this week. as well as reader Mike, for whom I need to find some extra Granderson cards to send his way.
Small packages both, but full of punch. They help shrink that needlist down! Baseball Dad was the first to come through on knocking off a card from my Big Ten wantlist:
Indeed, this is card #5 on the list: 2007 Topps Updates & Highlights #UH215. I guess this means that I need to find another card to add to the list! Thank you so much! But that's not all, there were extras!
No complaints about an extra Pudge, that's for sure. Sure fire Hall of Famer? Full Catcher's Gear? Numbered Parallel? Yes, please.
In 2009 Fu-Te Ni was featured in many, many sets including this Bowman, thanks to his participation in the WBC. At the time, he was a recently signed Tigers farmhand. Since, he has been called up and been a key lefty specialist for the Tigers down the stretch. With Bobby Seay out for a while, we're going to need Ni to step up as we desperately try to stave off the Twins.
Mike sent some cards off the wantlist as well, helping to fill some ever-diminishing set holes:
A 1994 Ivan Cruz Prospects card! I can tell this guy is going to be a star.
Everybody's favorite Mustache, Tom Brookens. Here in 1981 form.
Finally, a 1983 Lance Parrish, one of the most underrated catchers of his era. Parrish was a great player for the Tigers and had a long, productive career.
Thank you to Baseball Dad and Mike for the great cards--now I need to think of something to fill in on my Big Ten list in the sidebar! More great packages to go through as well, hopefully I'll have pictures and a post ready for tomorrow.