Grand Cards: A Champion's Stache: #18 Glenn Wilson

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Champion's Stache: #18 Glenn Wilson

In light of my newfound commitment to the greater good that is the collective power of Michigan fans growing mustaches for the September 5th opening game, I thought it best to recall a time 25 years ago when Mustaches led our own Detroit Tigers to their last World Series Championship

So our bottom two are there by default--they are small, weak little mustaches still in the early days of growth. I've been there. So have these guys. It's OK. What's not ok is subjecting your face to the Glenn Wilson treatment.

1984 Topps #563 Glenn Wilson

That just screams Buckstache to me, something that we don't tolerate well around these parts. Heck, even a self respecting Texan like Wilson should know better than that.