Grand Cards: A Champion's Stache: #7, 8, 9 The Replaced and The Replacements

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Champion's Stache: #7, 8, 9 The Replaced and The Replacements

In light of my newfound commitment to the greater good that is the collective power of Michigan fans growing mustaches for the September 5th opening game, I thought it best to recall a time 25 years ago when Mustaches led our own Detroit Tigers to their last World Series Championship

We start with our #9 Mustache, who is yet another player who wasn't actually on the team, but has a place in the '84 team set. This time though, he is actually a valuable piece of the puzzle.

You see, this guy:
1984 Topps #119 Johnny Wockenfuss

Was dealt in a package that included our number eight:
1984 Topps Traded #11T Dave Bergman

I say a net negative on the Mustache trade there--Wockenfuss really had one going. Although I will say, the vintage 80's glasses on the Bergman action shot certainly helps his cause. Oh, that and the fact that and he hit a solid .273 as the team's first baseman for the year. However, I'm not sure that the Tigers were convinced that they hadn't lost more they bargained for when Wockenfuss and his mustache left town.

Thank goodness for free agency:
1984 Topps Traded #59T Ruppert Jones

Ruppert, our #7 on the list, comes in to add that needed mustache support of the bench. .284, 12 HR, 37 RBIs and a full, traditional stache that accounted for at least two of those bombs. All in all, I say losing Wockenfuss and Glenn Wilson in a trade is well worth it when you get Dave Bergman and can get Mr. Jones off the free agent market. Oh, and let's not forget the other member of that key 1984 trade deal--where will Guillermo end up on the list? We'll just have to wait and see.